Attitude is everything!
As much as most of us would like to be able to control every aspect of our lives, we can’t! But what we can control is our attitude towards what does happen to us. We all experience and continue to experience “trying” times in our lives. The WHAT in these situations is less important than the HOW. HOW we react …
Yes Your attitude to the curve balls life throws at us is EVERYTHING.
How we react and move through these particular situations will determine their effect on our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.
Up to 40% of our happiness comes from how we choose to approach our lives. Especially during “trying” times, we focus on all of our problems. We then get in the habit of focusing our attention on all the negative things happening in our lives.
What would happen instead if we switched that focus to all of the good things that happen to us each and every day?
What if we took time daily or weekly to reflect on things, we are grateful for in our lives?
Gratitude is the forgotten factor in happiness research.
Grateful individuals
Report higher levels of positive emotions
Have greater life satisfaction
Experience greater vitality
Are more optimistic
Are healthier
Build strong relationships
Handle adversity better
Experience lower levels of depression and stress
People who have a strong disposition toward gratitude have the capacity to be empathetic and to take the perspective of others.
They are also rated as more generous and more helpful. Grateful individuals place less importance on material goods, are less likely to judge their own and others success in terms of possessions accumulated, and are less envious of others.
Gratitude is Good for your Health
Ideas for Promoting Gratitude
Write a thank-you note
Thank someone mentally
Keep a gratitude journal
Count your blessings