Believe in yourself

Believe in yourself

Tips to gain confidence …

Believe in yourself.

Here are 3 tips that help you believe in yourself and gain confidence to keep moving forward towards your health and fitness goals.

BUILD EXPERIENCE so that you know you can do it. You can finish that class, you can do the exercises, you can actually get up early to exercise and survive! 😊 So, keep working out, trying new heathy recipes, keep going on walks, runs rides … keep moving and that will give you experience to draw upon when things get tough. You know you’ve done it before, and you know how to do it again.

FIND A FITNESS ROLE MODEL that inspires you. They could be a friend, a trainer or a well-known exercise professional. Gain confidence by following their advice. Read articles blogs posts that allow you to gain knowledge and grow in confidence that you do have the answers. Find the role model that you look up to, someone with experience and understanding of your situation, and good sensible healthy advice on how they manage. Realise not everything will apply to you but cherry-pick the things that do and run with them.

ENCOURAGE YOURSELF Yep be your best workout buddy and motivational coach. Be very aware of your self-talk. Do you put yourself down when exercising? If you find yourself saying I’m too fat, tired, old or unfit to be doing this ……STOP.  Would you say those things to a friend starting out on a fitness journey? I doubt it, so don’t do it to yourself. Be a friend to yourself …. tell yourself you’ve got this. Be encouraging and kind to yourself, after all you ARE working towards your goals and that’s a lot better than giving up and thinking its beyond you.

All these things help you believe in yourself and people who believe in themselves are much more likely to be successful.

So, keep believing and stay strong


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