Mobility Training, what are the benefits?

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Mobility Training

The ability to move without any stress or stiffness.

How You Can Benefit by Incorporating Mobility Training in Your Regular Workout.

Most people workout  because they want to look and feel good.

Have you seen dancers or people perform yoga and noticed their balance and smooth flow of movement? That’s mobility ….. the ability to move without any stress or stiffness.

There are several advantages to mobility training that will enhance your workouts and also the quality of your daily life 😊

Benefits of mobility training.

Mobility exercises tend to be calming and help release stress.

They improve your range of motion and will prevent the stiffness that comes with muscle build-up and strength training.

They add variety to your workouts and keep you interested.

They are a great way to warm up or cool down after your training session.

They can also keep problems like back ache, knee pain, and other such problems away.

Mobility and age.

The fact is; our bodies naturally lose some mobility and flexibility as we age.

Our muscles become stiffer and our joints are less flexible and responsive. If you focus only on strength, resistance, and cardio exercises, you compound the problem. Eventually, your body will start losing suppleness and your movements will be stiff and uncomfortable. If you want to combat this problem and keep your body moving like a well-oiled machine, you need to incorporate mobility training into your regime.

Mobility verses stretching

Static stretching is good but the muscle length and gain achieved during static stretches will return to the previous length over the day. However adding load (body weight) and movement to the stretches helps to maintain the gains in muscle length and joint range of motion.

Movement will lubricate the joints allowing you to achieve greater ranges of motion more easily. Mobility work prior to training also allows you to strengthen your body in your new and improved range of motion and therefore the effects will last. For mobility to last, you will need to do it a lot! It is better to move gently and regularly rather than go full-force every now and then. Myofascial release is a great accompaniment to mobility training to release, stretch, then move the joint through its  complete range of motion.

Give it a try join a Fusion class. Try and incorporate 2 sessions a week or check out our YouTube channel and do a few of the routines from home or before your workout.


Believe in yourself