Winter is coming …


Winter is coming ….

 And the nights are getting darker! Read on for some tips on how to stay on track with your exercise routine as the weather cools down.


Exercise for internal reasons, not outward appearance.

Internal motivators can be things like enjoying playing a sport, valuing the health benefits from exercise or finding joy from the social side of being active. Put aside aesthetic goals or reasons such as trying to get a bikini body, focus on more real and meaningful goals for you. Winter is the time for sports in Alice Springs so get involved coaching, umpiring or playing.

Find your thing… it might be walking the amazing hills and tracks around town, or try a HiiT or Boxing class to release that energy.. Dust off your bike and hit the trails or if you are looking for gentle exercise try yoga or a fusion class. Do it because you want to and enjoy the feeling you have when you are more active and warmed up over winter.

For me, I find my back hurts less when I move more and walking / swimming and Fusion, yoga classes are my go-to.

Be real with your goals

Goals do work and it’s good to re-assess and write them down. Reflect on what you were aspiring to at the beginning of the year. Maybe try open goals, they are non-specific and exploratory, often phrased as aiming to "see how well I can do". When you set an open goal, your focus is on your starting point. You start in the here and now not some future determined point. If your goal is to "see how many steps I can reach today" then any movement or steps are achieving your goal.

Have an exercise buddy

Belonging to a group that you feel connected to, that you identify with … It can really help keep you going. So grab an exercise buddy or group of friends make commitments together, you will get accountability and support and you get to give accountability and support. Both build momentum and keep you excited about your fitness.

Making movement part of your everyday life

Walking to the local shops and carrying your shopping bags back home, rather than taking the car, that's really good way to build up your daily exercise and it has health benefits, even in short bursts. What ways can you find to be that little more active in your day?

Be kind to yourself

From a health perspective, anything is better than nothing. So be kind and gentle with yourself If you’re not feeling it then maybe just sit outside in a sheltered sunny spot and breath. Then start again tomorrow.


Movement of any kind will warm you up!! Especially good to remember on the colder mornings, just get moving and you will feel more energised and ready for the day ahead.


Mountain biking


Beetroot and Rocket Salad